
Puzzle design, graphic design and story: Vivien Ripoll / Solving Fun

Playtesting and proofreading: Gwendal, Yvonne, Henri for this puzzle hunt; and additionally for earlier versions of some of the puzzles: Tomack, Josef, Louise, Chen.

Funding: GSCC 2021 / University of Minnesota.

Once you have completed all the puzzles from Chapter 1 and 2 (or when you have stopped working on the puzzles), please fill the feedback form, or send me an email with comments or feedback about the puzzles.

If you want to see more of my puzzles, you can scroll down in Solving Fun’s Facebook page. I’m currently based in Mexico, so most of the puzzles are in Spanish (and occasionally in French!), but I’ve made a few puzzles in English, including: a Halloween puzzle with “zoombies”, a puzzle about physical distancing in the supermarket, an Easter puzzle.

If you’d like to spice up your online meetings, with a novel/custom/puzzling/clever/entertaining/social activity like this one, feel free to contact me! [English, Spanish or French]